
Tuesday 9 November 2010

Tournament Report: Dragon's Breath Rounds Budapest

Hi folks!

17:30 Budapest, Hungary…

A bunch of guys and girls approaching to a club called DragonFlame, to get some Vtes experience on Friday evening at a new tournament, 2 rounds + final. 24 players attended, some of them are the new generation of the Hungarian VtES community, embraced at the latest tournaments called „the Progeny Tournament”. At the end, some elder Matuselahs arrived to show the embraces the tricks of the game.

22:45 Final

A former Hungarian champion who has just returned from Scotland for some games, Adam, played with Nana Buruku - animalism/ Ashur Tablets. His Prey is Najdzsel , one representative of the new generation, played with 1-cap vamps KRC/Conservatives/Titles/breed deck. His Prey is Lady Kitti, a Malkavian s&b with Korah and Rodolfo. Then came myself, Mr_Toreador, just arriving from Paris and I used Uta Kovacs and the gang to secure my way to the final. My prey was Balu, one of the louder but (in  ) experienced players of the group - he played a Lodin + Ventrues Vote deck.

After some confrontation between Lodin and Nana Buruku, the latest was diablerized, so Adam’s play had been slowed down. Then Najdzsel had the chance to bleed Kitti 1by1, and I was bled by 3 by 3 on stealth. After some turns, Kitti was ousted and Balu and me were on 1-1 pool, Najdzsel finally had the votelock. Balu had 2 Radios (WMRH+KRCG),+ Ossian, so Najdzsel had no real chance to oust him, so he decided, to oust both of us with one KRC. Here came the surprise #1: Balu gave me 1 intercept for one pool and self-ousted for blocking the vote seeing no chance for himself at that point. I survived on 2 pools after the +6. In my turn I bled Adam out from 16 pools. It gave me +1 turn, while I sufered 2 more votes and bleeds. Najdzsel at 8 pool, influenced out his 7th ready minion, so he went down to 6. After some card cycling, Rutor’s hand crushed down via a Governed and Conditioned bleed through the mirror…

3 GW 12,5 VP

by: Csaba "MrToreador" Greguss

/The tournament was held on 05.11 and might become a regular Friday night event in the future. - Mephistopheles/

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