


APR 29, Hungarian Grand Pix: Akunanse + Fakir by Dávid Farkas
JAN 28, Fee Stake: Budapest Mea Culpa Revised by Máté Vaka


Deck Name: New Deck
Author: Dávid Farkas

Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=6 max=11 avg=7.833333)
2x Amavi                         8 pre pro ABO ANI FOR      Akunanse:4
2x Fakir al Sidi                 11 abo ANI FOR PRE PRO THA  Gangrel:4
2x Jubal                         6 for pot ABO ANI          Akunanse:4
2x Matata                        9 aus cel obf ABO ANI FOR  Akunanse:3
2x Sanjo                         6 abo chi ANI FOR          Akunanse:3
2x Uchenna                       7 ABO ANI FOR              Akunanse:4

Library: 90 cards

Master (18 cards)
1x Giant's Blood
1x Guardian Angel
1x Mapatano Utando
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Luanda
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, The
2x Vessel
5x Villein
1x WMRH Talk Radio
3x Dreams of the Sphinx

Action (10 cards)
1x Army of Rats
1x Well-Marked
8x Deep Song

Action Modifier (7 cards)
4x Freak Drive
3x Predator's Mastery

Political Action (1 cards)
1x Archon

Combat (31 cards)
4x Hidden Strength
7x Invoking the Beast
3x Rolling with the Punches
2x Soak
7x Taste of Vitae
1x Canine Horde
7x Carrion Crows

Retainer (5 cards)
1x Mr. Winthrop
3x Raven Spy
1x Shaman

Equipment (1 cards)
1x Reliquary: Akunanse Remains

Reaction (17 cards)
6x Predator's Communion
6x Sense the Savage Way
5x Cats' Guidance


Deck Name: Mea Culpa revised
Author: Máté Vaka
A tiny bit tweaked version of its predecessor. No Baronness deck as a predator this time :D

Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=2 max=9 avg=6.42)
 3x  Aksinya Daclau    9  cel tha ANI FOR PRE PRO  !Gangrel:4
 1x  Bill Butler       3  pot pro                  !Gangrel:4
 1x  Charlie Tyne      4  obf pro ser              !Gangrel:4
 1x  Denette Stensen   2  obf                      !Gangrel:4
 1x  Leo Washington    2  cel pro                  !Gangrel:4
 1x  Lula Burch        3  for pro                  !Gangrel:4
 4x  Una               9  dem ANI FOR PRE PRO      !Gangrel:3

Library (90 cards)
Master (18)
 1x Campground Hunting Ground
 1x City Gangrel Connections
 1x Coven, The
 3x Dreams of the Sphinx
 1x Festivo dello Estinto
 1x Giant's Blood
 1x Heidelberg Castle, Germany
 1x Information Highway
 1x Twisted Forest
 2x Vessel
 2x Villein
 2x Wash
 1x Wider View

Action (10)
 1x Abactor
 5x Dual Form
 1x Entrancement
 1x Heart of the City
 2x Loki's Gift

Political Action (18)
 5x Cardinal Benediction
 3x Consanguineous Boon
 1x Conservative Agitation
 7x Kine Resources Contested
 1x Neonate Breach
 1x Political Stranglehold

Action Modifier (30)
 5x Beast Meld
 7x Bewitching Oration
 3x Earth Control
 8x Freak Drive
 7x Voter Captivation

Combat (12)
 4x Earth Meld
 8x Form of Mist

Combo (2)
 2x Rapid Change

Created with Secret Library v0.9.4e. (Jan 29, 2018 15:11:05)

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