
Monday 24 October 2011

Open Dossier: Péter "Superlame" Botos

Hi folks!

Recently has posted some interviews with Hungarian v:tes players. I have asked for the permission to translate them into English and received it, so here you go:

Player Profile:

Name: Péter Botos
Nickname: Superlame on the forums or Boti
Year of Birth: 1981
Occupation: Business Intelligence Analyst
City: Budapest

Questions and answers:

1. When did you start to play v:tes and where did you met it? 

I have played other card games before (Magic, Guardians, Star Wars, Middle Earth) so I tried to resist v:tes for a long time even though my friends desperately tried to convince me. My experience was that such games consume a lot of money and since I was a University Student at that time I had not enough of that resource. Then my friends decided to buy me my first deck and I fell for the trick. I started to play with a Camarilla Brujah starter deck around 2003. 

2. What was your biggest success as a tournament player? 

The tournament win at the 2010 National Championship (HNC). This win is really next my heart because I won with deck that I designed alone. It is a True Brujah deck which never counted as a Tier1 deck type before. Also it was my first tournament win (I had achieved good results with this deck before) and I won it with 4 Game Wins total. 

3. What is your favorite deck, favorite deck type and why?

I have no favorite deck. I like decks that have an unusual twist in them. Of course I have played "regular" decks before but those are never so funny to play and I often discard them pretty fast.

4. What motivates you during play? Why do you think it is worth to play this game?

Naturally winning is a main motivation., but there are other things as well: pulling of a good combo, proving a decks viability, etc.

5. How do you prepare for tournaments?

I don't really prepare for tournaments. I don't actually take them any more serious than casual games. Preparation is more a by-product. I like to play a lot and visit friends to join play test games.

6. What is the "perfect" v:tes player like?

He oversees the game, knows who is in what kind of a situation. He can predict other players moves. It is of course important that he knows all cards and rules. He has to be able to manipulate others if necessary, but can also stall around. He has to be patient and be able to wait for the right moment, even if this means to pass his turns for awhile. He loves the game.

7. What is your favorite crypt card?


8. What is your favorite library card?

Codex of the Edenic Groundskeepers.

9. What is your favorite set?

LoB and HttB.

10. What is your favorite illustration?

Gem Ghastly.

11. What other games do you play?

Chess, Warcraft III, Civ. V.

12. What is your message to new players?

Test many different deck types, if possible build them yourself, or at least tweak the TWD deck yourself.

13. What do you think about the future of v:tes?

I think people will be playing the game for several years, but if no company shows up to support it and print new cards than I think it has chance in the long term. Even printable fan sets can't change this. Let's hope I am wrong!

Thanks a lot to Péter Botos for answering the questions and for shilmulotarot for the interview! 

by: Mephistopheles


  1. 12. What is your massage to new players?

    I didn't know that old Hungarian players do massage to new players :P

    just joking, good interview though ;)

  2. Spelling mistake corrected. Thanks for the note.

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