
Friday 30 July 2010

Is she underrated???

Hi folks!

I've just spent a couple of minutes searching the FELDB for any vampire I haven't played with, yet. I came across Louhi and I have to say that I can't understand why I never played with her. She has awesome disciplines, a cardinal title and a very good special. The supporting vampires seem nice, too. So what am I waiting for?

I've searched the TWDA for her and was really surprised to find only 1 deck which used her as the main vampire. Thinking back, I really can't remember any single tournament when I've seen Louhi hit the board.

So I am off building the deck! It will be some sort of Vote Deck with a multi action module using Enkil Cog and Rutor's Hand. I'll throw in some The Call's so I will not depend on the Villein for pool gain. Black Forest Base seems like a must have in it. I'll write a report after playing the deck a couple of times!

by: Mephistopheles


  1. She has a sort of "Evil Eye" to your predator, and the title of Cardinal (Auto Da Fe par example)and she has protean, so she can defend herself from unwanted rushes, and OBF as a good !malk to make No Traces, she may be underrated.

    I'll wait the report, even though I don't play fatties at the moment (except Mary Anne in the Law and Order ;) )

  2. I've sat down to write up a deck with her in it many times, but every time I got paralyzed by indecision due to how many different things she can do. Wall deck? Stealth/vote? Zany tricks? In the end, I always end up making something too toolboxy to live and don't bother building it.

  3. @John Eno

    well I have an easier task then. I will surely build a sort of stealth vote deck with a little trick involved.

  4. I think the reason why she's not used more often, is that while Louhi's special ability is great for defending (or in the heads-up), it doesn't help you ousting your prey.

  5. @extrala: A Cardinal with superior obf together with all the other obf + titled vampires in that group (Stavros, Maurie Facigne, etc.) should be able to oust his/her prey.

  6. I´ll bring one Louhi deck to Paris. Not sure if I play it in the actual tournament though.
