
Sunday 15 May 2011

Card Check: Veneficti (Mage)

Hi folks!

I originally didn't want to post a second Card Check post so soon after the first one, but I was just going through a pile of cards and I couldn't resist. This ally is really a powerhouse. The fact that it has 2 life, 1 strength, 2 bleed and +1 stealth for only 1 pool is ridiculously strong on its own, but read on! "He cannot be the target of a (D) action by a vampire with capacity less than 7 or an ally." Wow! In modern v:tes this really narrows the threat down. He also has another minor advantage and burn option of course. A must have in any Baali deck and a sort of must have in any deck that uses Summon History.  

by: Mephistopheles


  1. I dare to say the Veneficti Mage is the most cost effective ally in the game. Even Carlton looks overpriced compared to him. ;)

  2. One thing i'm infinitely glad they did... made sure that the Veneficti was NOT an Infernal Minion... Veneficti + Horde would be broken-tacular!

  3. Lol, that would have been borderline broken...
