
Wednesday 9 February 2011

Do you double uniques?

Hi folks!

I'll launch a poll in a couple of minutes. I wonder if you guys double important unique cards in your deck like The Rack, Heart of Cheating, Fame or whatever important uniques there are. I've wrote this post in addition to the poll because I am curious what kind of uniques you double (or triple, etc.) and why. So please comment if you have any idea to share with me!

by: Mephistopheles


  1. I'm used to double Fame, I feel it's too important to play with just one copy of it.

  2. I would add another option... like "just in some cases"

    ie: sometimes I like to play 2x Pentex Subversion, is the best **stealth** and broken card evahh

  3. I agree with Meu. If it's important, or it needs to appear fairly early, then it's doubled (or tripled).

    As an example, I naturally double Fame in a combat deck, since the first should be for my prey, and the next one is for my next prey.

    When I play Anarch Troublemaker, there should be *at least* 2. 3 is ideal. Then it's only played the turn I will lunge at my prey (and I have one in hand). Contest immediately.

  4. 3 Fame, 2 Dreams, 2 Art of Pain, 2 tension in the ranks, 2 muddled vampire hunter, 6 ahriman protectorate! :)

  5. Double, triple, quadruple .. whatever it takes to get the card I need.

    What really makes a difference if it's a "transient" unique card (like Dreams, Anarch Troublemaker, Fame, etc.), or a unique card that will stay (like Bowl or Ivory Bow). For the first group of cards you can play easily 3-4 copies in deck if necessary, while for the second category I will very rarely put more than two in deck, most likely only one.

  6. It's all about how vital it is to my deck's operation, how big the deck is, how durable the unique is, how fast I can move cards, and what access I have to additional hand flow tools.

    "vital" cards might include Charisma or Unmasking for an ally deck, Infernal Pact for a discipline-grafting deck, or Info Highway for a deck that needs a lot of transfers to run, or Fame if that's my oust mechanism.

    Deck size is a factor because your draw probability is directly proportional. 2 copies in a 90 card deck is about the same a 1.33 in a 60.

    For a deck that has a lot of good unique cards to choose from, like my DoC Anarch vote deck, I'll actually try to build the deck at 60 cards so I can get more good uniques more quickly without jamming on the dupes.

    Durability is also an issue. Some uniques use themselves up, like Anarch Troublemaker, Dreams, and the awesome Mokole Blood. Some go away naturally; if Fame is your preferred oust mechanism, you will naturally lose one per oust, not to mention how many you'll lose to contesting. And some will just get burned by any vampire with a free action, like Path of Evil Revelations and Madness Network.

    Finally, I'll consider hand flow. If I have a deck that can drop 5 or 6 cards a turn, like a combat deck or a bleed/vote multiact deck, then I'll think twice before including a second copy of a unique master. Conversely, if I have a deck that will run some hand-flush tech already - not just considering basic stuff like Barrens, Powerbase LA, Dreams, but also stuff that works incidentally like Art of Memory, Shroudsight, Garibaldi-Meucci Museum, Sybil's Tongue, etc - then I'll be more likely to double up.

  7. Thanks guys!

    There are some really good points here. Still I am curious what other people think on this topic, so the more comments the merrier! If you are reading this and did not comment yet, pleas share your thoughts!

  8. Currently I'm playing with more copies of unique cards. I have my personal problem with discarding on tournament "because this card may come handy". Obviously it is no brainer to discard 2nd copy of arcane library if you have one already in play.
