
Monday, 12 November 2012

Deck Building Challenge: Rares Only!!!

Hi folks!

So I've been invited to a couple of friends for a game of v:tes. The thing is, there is a twist. Players are allowed to play with library cards only that have been a rare in any edition before. So no vessels, blood dolls, minion taps, etc. Rare only deck. Wow. It is funny how many things become unavailable. 

So I am pretty sure I will either play a Ayo Igoli deck with Golconda's to have a pool gaining mechanism or I will play 8-11 cap vampires with superior Dementation for Deny (rare stealth card!) and of course Golconda again.

What would be your idea? Any comments and suggestions are highly appreciated!  

by: Mephistopheles

Thursday, 1 November 2012

EC Report

Hi folks!

So the EC is over and I had a couple of days to think everything through. I don't want to do a round by round tournament report right now. What I want to say is, that it was great to see and talk to many people. This itself was totally worth joining the event. On the other hand I played 9 rounds of v:tes.

On Friday I decided to play my Broken Brujah deck. I made a Game Win with 2 Vps on the first table which was really a tough game. Second game made me 1 Vp and the third table was a disastrous 0. Last 2 games I played together with an Anarch Revolt + Lutz deck. He basically dropped a Revolt every turn starting with the first one. Since my crypt consisted of titled vampires only this was pretty unpleasant to say the least. Well at least I did qualify, since I wasn't yet.

Saturday I choose to play Martin Weinmayer's Auspex + Presence deck. He won his second EC title with this deck. I thought it would be great choice even though I don't really like playing with such decks. It was a terrible choice. Triple 0 Vps's without even the slightest chance of making a Vp. Well not entirely true. With a deal break I could have made 1 VP. I rather kept it. 

Sunday. After the previous 2 days I felt like playing my favorite deck on the First Chance Qualifier. Namely my Eze deck. It is an 11 cap vampire that can not bounce bleeds, I don't play any crypt acceleration cards in it and it isn't built to block. Well, after the 2nd round I had 2 Game Wins with 7 Victory Points. First Game Win included some help from my side to back oust my first predator. Then I killed my prey and grand prey with a Reins of Power and easily won the heads up against a malkavian antitribu stealth bleed (Banishment for the win). On the second table I had my very best draw ever. My prey played only 8+ vampires, my opening hand had a Magic of the Smith to go for a Signet of King Saul. Untap, bleed for 1, Enkil Cog. Fuck yeah! So before the 3rd table I had good hopes to make it to the final. I drew my crypt and opening hand and they were awesome again (Villein, Enkil Cog were in there). Now came the pain: re-seating!!! New crypt: no Eze. New predator: War Ghoul featuring Maris. I think you will read about this game on the Lord of the Clog blog. Despite the 0 Vp here and missing the final because of this I really enjoyed this game! 

Conclusion: I am really sure now that it doesn't matter what deck you play. It's all about seating, that is the luck factor in the game. Next EC I will play only decks I like to play with. 

by: Mephistopheles  

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Excitement level: it's over 9000!

Hi folks!

Can't wait to get up early today and make it to the venue in a rush. Need to last-minute-build-decks today so I have something to play with. I am actually not exited about playing, but because I will meet so many people I want to talk with! I'll keep blogging during the EC!

by: mephistopheles

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Registered for the EC. Feeling strange.

Hi folks!

Life and its ways are pretty interesting. After last years EC I was very enthusiastic to gather a team and start organizing EC Budapest. Milán Horváth, Zoltán Németh, Tamás Bank and myself started our work. I had an easy time back than, because I was pretty much stagnating in my job. The economy was so bad that there was only little work to do. For those of you who do not know it already, I work in a family business. We are importing decorations and all kind of things for interior design from China. All went fine, we found a great Hotel, set up the very basics for the website and things were about to get serious. Right at this time my father whom I work with basically retired so I had to run the company on my own. Original plans were that I'll have to attend the Canton fair in China, which would be exactly at the same time than the EC. 

Life got pretty stressful suddenly. Parallel to all this I lots more and more interest in the game itself. Main reason for this is because I miss new ideas. I felt that whatever idea I have is just something I already played before. I think I really missed a new set. I am the kind of guy that has 1 or 2 (tops) ideas for a set that I find interesting enough to play with. There were other reasons as well, but I don't want to go into depth with this.

So I made a pretty hard decision. I resigned as NC for Hungary, quit the EC team and basically totally stopped playing v:tes. I don't regret this step. When people asked about this I always told them that one day I surely will return to the v:tes life, I just needed a really long break from all this. I think I had a burn out syndrome. 

Life always has its surprises and one of these was when we were offered the opportunity to take over one of our earlier customers, a wholesaling company in Budapest. This was actually the chance we were really looking for so we said yes. Well all the work that had to be done there was down to me since my partner (aka my father) retired to Thailand right before we signed the contract. I had three horrible weeks in September with 70-90 hours work a week and I drove like 10000+ kilometers. But as everything it also had its really good sides!

Since I spent so much in Budapest now I grabbed the chance to play a little v:tes here and there. All I had was my Eze deck, the last remaining deck I had fun playing with. At this point I ran into an awesome group of really old v:tes players. Talmi, Spider, Spáda and Csabi invited me to join them. It was and still is really fun to play with these guys. This was an experience I really needed. 

Now that I successfully opened the new shop in Budapest I have some free time again to spend and since I am in Budapest 3 days a week I can finally play v:tes on a regular base again. At this point I took a look at how the EC is going and I realized that these guys made an awesome job. Tibor Mórocz jumped in the team and with his experience and knowledge was a great boost to it. 

With the opening of our new shop the Canton Fair issue got moot so I'll be at home during the EC. Now here comes the part why I feel really strange. I registered to the EC of a game I just jumped out earlier from. Strange feeling. I am not qualified yet, so it's all down to the Last Chance Qualifier. Honestly I am preparing myself for the Silence of Death side event on Saturday and the First Chance on Sunday.

I would love to be the active and creative guy I used to be in v:tes and play the game way more often in 2013, but my main problem is still lingering around. I've been spending the last days thinking of decks to build. Nothing really changed: each idea I have is just the same old stuff again. It might be with 12 different vampires and 90 different library cards, but the way you play a certain deck type is just the same thing again and again.

Well at least I can see you guys soon again. There are many people out there in the v:tes community I am really looking forward to grab a beer with and just talk about whatever comes to our mind. See you guys soon!

by: mephistopheles

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Tournament Report: Training Day Budapest

Hi folks!

I really never thought that I will play v:tes so soon again. My girlfriend asked me to give her a ride to Budapest when I was just hanging on facebook this Friday. I said sure why not and just a few seconds later I noticed a tournament announcement in our v:tes facebook group. Since I had nothing else to do I decided a that I join the event, since I will be in Budapest anyway. 

It was great to see all those guys again and the best part: I saw some players that were considered the "old ones" when I first started to play the game. Some disappeared for a few years, but I think now that their kids are old enough, they reappeared. I was informed that many more "old players" joined the v:tes life again. Sounds pretty damn cool. 

So all together 23 players played this event. I took my only still existing deck, namely my "Eze will slow roll you" one. So here is how it went:

1st table: Gyula Erdős (Akunanse) - Vaka Mate (upgraded to a short hair with beard version, played some Gangrel deck again) - Me - Varga Zsolt (AAA)

I had a pretty good start with a great crypt. All the key cards came in time and I could sneak through a bleed for 1 with Eze to get my Enkil Cog. Next crucial action was to equip a Signet of King Saul with believe me guys is pure gold. Meanwhile Zsolt was building up well too with Alexandra and Anson + 2 weenies in game. I did my 2 bleed / turn with Eze stuff and I think my deck caught Zsolt a little bit by surprise. Then the moment came when I could oust both my prey and predator with a Reins of Power, but I needed Gyula's votes as well. Gyula seemed cooperative since he surely preferred to have Eze behind him than Toreador Grand Balls. So he gave me his votes and we went right into heads up. Funny thing here was that both prey and predator choose their 1 caps for Reins of Power so Gyula and I got +5 pool. Funny things happen. Gyula went into the heads up with like 20+ pool and 4-5 vampires. 

Gyula's first move was to play a Pentex on Eze, but there is a reason why I play 3 Suddens and keep one in my hand for such situations. I returend the favor with a Pentex on one of his vampires (I had 2 mpa's because of Nana) and passed a Banishment. This pretty much changed the table. When Gyula was on six pool I tried to oust him with a bleed 6 by Eze, but Gyula played an Archon Investigation on him (for 4 pool because of Secure Haven). Didn't matter much because I had 2 more vampires, bleed modifier, vote card and Monastery of Shadows. The first vampire was enough with a Iron Glare + Monastery of Shadows bleed. 1GW 3 VP

2nd table: Balu (Henry twister wall) - Milan (Kyasid toolbox) - Günther (Dom - For -Aus) - Silver (Omaya wall) - Me

This is the kind of table I loathe so much. Sitting between 2 wall decks you waste your resources like hell and whenever you could oust you get an Eagle's Sight - Direct Intervention - Delaying Tactics armada into your face. Well, after a shitload of talking, dealing, wasting resources, getting pissed at mentioned cards I finally ousted Balu with Milans help. Milan made his 2 vps and we were heads up. Since I ran out of cards (90 card deck) Milan won. If I had some cards left in the deck I would have easily won the heads up. One of the many reasons I loathe card like DI and Eagle's sight. I need 20+ card to bypass 2 of these... 1 VP

3rd table: Me - Milan (Kyasid) - Pál Csabi (???) - Gego Feri (Akunanse) - Márton Csaba (Giovanni powerbleed) 

Starting with 1 transfer for an 11 cap vampire with a powerbleed as a predator is not good at all. I got ousted without having turn to act with Eze. Funny thing: when I was ousted I had a Villein + Ancient Influence + Voter Cap in my hand. Too bad I never had the chance to act with Eze... 0 VP


After a long time not playing making 1 GW 4 VP on a tournament announced for testing EC decks is really great. Especially with an 11 cap that can not bounce bleeds. I finished tied 7th place, but missed the final by only 1 Vp. So close.

Thank for great event. It was good to play again. However this doesn't mean I will play regularly. I might show up at the one or other tournament though, depending on free time and mood.

The Deck

Deck Name:   Eze will slow roll you
Created By:  Martin Mephistopheles Major

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 32, Max: 44, Avg: 9,58)
  5  Eze                                aus ANI NEC POT PRE THA11 Guruhi
  3  Nana Buruku                        ANI POT PRE    8  Guruhi
  2  Sobayifa                           ANI aus pot PRE pro spi8  Guruhi
  2  Ugadja                             ABO ANI dom for POT PRE10 Guruhi

Library: (90 cards)
Master (20 cards)
  1  Ancestor Spirit
  1  Archon Investigation
  2  Dreams of the Sphinx
  1  Giant`s Blood
  1  Monastery of Shadows
  1  Palace Hunting Ground
  1  Pentex Subversion
  1  Perfectionist
  1  Secure Haven
  3  Sudden Reversal
  6  Villein
  1  Wider View

Action (13 cards)
  2  Entrancement
  5  Founders of the Ebony Kingdom
  3  Magic of the Smith
  1  Preternatural Strength
  2  Well-Marked

Action Modifier (24 cards)
  4  Call of the Hungry Dead
  3  Enkil Cog
  4  Iron Glare
  2  Mirror Walk
  6  Perfect Paragon
  1  Strange Day
  3  Voter Captivation
  1  Approximation of Loyalty

Political Action (8 cards)
  1  Ancient Influence
  1  Ancilla Empowerment
  3  Banishment
  1  Neonate Breach
  1  Political Stranglehold
  1  Reins of Power

Reaction (10 cards)
  10 Sense the Savage Way

Combat (8 cards)
  8  Majesty

Equipment (5 cards)
  1  Gran Madre di Dio, Italy
  1  Heart of Nizchetus
  1  Ivory Bow
  1  Kduva`s Mask
  1  Signet of King Saul, The

Event (1 cards)
  1  Narrow Minds

Combo (1 cards)
  1  Guruhi Kholo

Friday, 9 March 2012

Deck of the Month: February

Hi folks!

Long time no post, but now I am back with the DotM for February. After spending some time searching for a Deck outside of the TWDA I had to realize that there is no way for me to not choose Ferenc Vasadi's Unnamed Shatter deck.

I love the way he uses Enkil Cog in the Deck to shatter that gate in 1.5 turns! Also I have a love for big caps that can not bounce bleed. This deck is so full of feeling and so evil that it just had to become DotM. Congratulations to Frankie for building and winning with it!

Deck Name:  Unnamed shatter
Created By:  Ferenc Vasadi

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 20, Max: 40, Avg: 7,83)
4 The unnamed  CEL DAI OBF PRE PRO 10 Baali
3 Annazir  DAI OBF POT PRE   9 Baali
3 Xeper  OBF PRE ani dai pro  7 Baali
2 Horde  dai obf pre    3 Baali

Library: (69 cards)
Master (18 cards)
 1 Archon Investigation
 2 Dreams of the Sphinx
 1 Giant`s Blood
 1 Jake Washington (Hunter)
 1 Life Boon
 1 Monastery of Shadows
 1 Parthenon, The
 1 Pentex Subversion
 1 Perfectionist
 1 Ruins of Charizel
 1 Secure Haven
 4 Tend the Flock
 2 Villein

Action (12 cards)
 1 Contagion
 2 Flurry of Action
 7 Shatter the Gate
 2 Unleash Hell's Fury

Action Modifier (16 cards)
 4 Enkil Cog
 2 Faceless Night
 3 Forgotten Labyrinth
 1 I Am Legion
 3 Lost in Crowds
 3 Psychomachia

Reaction (8 cards)
 1 Confusion of the Eye
 5 Eluding the Arms of Morpheus
 2 Mental Maze

Combat (6 cards)
 4 Earth Meld
 2 Form of Mist

Retainer (2 cards)
 2 Homunculus

Equipment (1 cards)
 1 Heart of Nizchetus

Event (2 cards)
 1 Narrow Minds
 1 Scourge of the Enochians

Combo (4 cards)
 4 Sense the Sin

by: Mephistopheles

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Deck of the Month: January

Hi folks!

I am happy to announce the first Deck of the Month on Hun Fragment! Fortunately for me I had no problem at all choosing one. Genís Prats' weenie Assamite/Tzimisce deck supported by a Agent of Power/Summon History tech is so awesome that I still try to catch my breath. It seems fast, effective and stable and these three are rarely true for the same deck. Also the surprise effect has to be mentioned. So enough talking from my side, here is deck list:

Deck Name : Alamut's Horror Museum
Author//Player : Genís Prats
Score: 4 + 0 + 4 + 4 (final)

 Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 1 max: 5 average: 2.66667
3xAnarch Convert(1)Caitiff(g0)
2xTansu Bekir(4) Assamite(g2)
1xBadr al-Budur(5)   Assamite(g2)
1xAnwar(4)  Assamite(g2)
1xAli Kar(3) Assamite(g3)
1xHarika Guljan(3)Assamite(g2)
1xKanya Akhtar(2)Assamite(g2)
1xPiotr Andreikov(2)Tzimisce(g3)

Library [80 cards]

Action [10]
2x Haqim's Law: Leadership 
1x Pressing Flesh 
7x Summon History 

Action Modifier [14]
5x Cloak the Gathering 
3x Forgotten Labyrinth 
3x Lost in Crowds 
3x Veil the Legions 

Ally [17]
1x Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter) 
1x Cry Wolf 
2x Deviki Prasanta 
1x Ghouls of Plaza Moreria, The 
1x High Top 
1x Muddled Vampire Hunter 
1x Ossian 
1x Political Ally 
1x Ponticulus 
1x Tye Cooper 
1x Vagabond Mystic 
1x Veneficti (Mage) 
3x War Ghoul 
1x Young Bloods 

Combat [2]
2x Trap 

Event [6]
1x Anthelios, The Red Star 
1x Dragonbound 
1x FBI Special Affairs Division 
1x Slow Withering, The 
2x Unmasking, The 

Master [27]
6x Agent of Power 
6x Ashur Tablets 
1x Creepshow Casino 
2x Direct Intervention 
1x Fame 
1x Fortschritt Library 
4x Jake Washington (Hunter) 
1x Lilith's Blessing 
2x Parthenon, The 
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion 
2x Vessel 

Reaction [2]
2x Delaying Tactics 

Retainer [2]
1x J. S. Simmons, Esq. 

Congratulations to Genís Prats for building this cool deck and winning a tournament with it!

by: Mephistopheles

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Tournament Report: HNC Veresegyház

Hi foks!

Just a brief report on this tournament. I played a 60 card version of Baltimore Purge + Mind Rape based on advanced Marcus Vitel. Why him? Because he has awesome disciplines and he is a Lasombra so I only need him to be able to set off the bomb. 

Brief report is brief, so all I have to say for the 2nd and 3rd table is that I got ousted really fast. In the 2nd round it was a 4 player table and my cross table buddy, a Lutz deck, had the best draw ever and played flawlessly. He made his Gamw Win with 3 Vp's in like 20 minutes (if not faster) because he realized that all he has to do is to back oust the Anson Gun deck. I got a vp from this, yay, but there was never a doubt who will walk ever with the Game Win. In the third table I played like 4 minutes. Weenie Dementation crossy bled me (via bounce) for 7 and my own predator bled me for more.

So the interesting table was the first one.This was the seating:

Csaba Greguss (Aus/Obf Nosferatu stealth bleed, cool deck) - Péter Ádám (Ventrue! multi act) - CZ (Goratrix bleed) - Myself

I started with a good ol' Pentex Subversion on Goratrix. I felt save and tapped out. I did my nasty stuff. Bad luck no.1.: Pentex contest by Gora and a bleed for 7! Ouch! Well no big problem. I Graverobbed, Mind Raped, diablerized etc, but there were too many vamps on the table to deal with everything. Well I could steal a Gustav Mallenhous from Péter Ádám. Bad luck no.2.: he plays 2 Banishments in a 90 card deck and already drew one. He could pass the Banishment together with Csaba by 1 vote (Kyle did it). So I lost Gustav who returned to Péter Ádám. No big deal, repeat and Gustav's back to me. Bad luck no.3.: He drew his 2nd Banishment and could pass it by 1 vote again. Ouch. 

Too many things happened to remember everything, too much detail. Let it be enough that there was one more window when I could have ousted Csaba: I played a Coven to have that extra action for the oust, but it got Suddened. Bad luck no.4.

All in all, this was the table a could have and should have won. It was not only due to bad luck that I couldn't win it of course. In the first turn when I started to do the diablerie and Graverobbing thing I made mistakes. Too bad, cause I had a vp later on and 1GW 5 Vp's would have been enough for the final. I'll try to do it better next time.

I do not post the deck list because I want to play with it again and I don't want my fellow Hungarian players to see what is in the box...

by: Mephistopheles      

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Something going on...

Hi folks!

So originally we would have held a tournament in Nagymaros, but it got canceled due to some problems with the venue. The organizer told us that there will be no tournament. Some of us guys couldn't accept that so Milán and myself started an initiative to ad-hoc announce and organize a tournament. We will be playing in Veresegyház a small town near Budapest. It will be a part of the HNC series, so if anybody from abroad wants to come feel free to e-mail or call me. 

Now I need to build something for this event. I was recently thinking of a Gangrel toolbox deck starring good ol' guy Angus and his princesses. Some wall/combat kind of deck supported with a few Parity Shifts and Banishment. 

Alternatively I might just want to build an Akunanse deck with the 3 available Magaji's. It would be basically the same concept as above. Instead of Second Trad and Shift I would have Laibon/Akunanse stuff ofc.

As a third option I still have Alonso Petrodon. I love that vampire very much, but it drives me crazy that I can't build a solid crypt around him. The only really good support he has is Graham Gottesman. On the other hand he is so funny to build a deck around. I recently made a 60 card deck which had First Traditions, Baltimore Purges and Mind Rapes in it. Pure evil...

I'll try to figure out what to play. Watch out for the report on Sunday or Monday.

by: Mephistopheles

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Tournament Report: Grand Ball Hatvan

Hi folks!

Here is my first tournament report for this year. 15 players gathered in Hatvan to get the v:tes season 2012 started in Hungary. I had some deck ideas for this tournament, but decided to give my Eze will slow roll you deck another chance. Here is how it went:

1st table: Cipo (Girls will find Aids) - ??? (Group 1-2 Nosferoyalty) - Myself - Ferenc (Trujah Summon History) - Richard (Blood Brother Chicago circle)

The table started really good for me. I had an awesome opening hand with Enkil Cog, Founders of the Ebony Kingdom and some other yummies in my hand. I was a little worried, because Cipo started with Enkidu and a Villein for 11 + Lilith's Blessing combo and soon Aksinya followed. There were 2 votes at my prey + 7 votes behind me, but that was only a little unpleasant. Most of the time I could manage to call my votes since I had Eze with Kduva's Mask and Sobayifa (7 votes), so I could pass anything with the Edge and a Perfect Paragon. Later on Nana showed up and became Guruhi Kholo. Since my actions were never blocked I could bloat and set up. Unfortunately the overall playing speed was quite low and that caused me to loose some vp's, you'll see later on.

Meanwhile the Blood Brother were fighting the Girls will find deck quite effectively. The Nosferoyalty deck caused me to play carefully, but was never a big threat so I could freely play my game. Ferenc had 2 Trujahs in play so a well timed Banishment on an almost empty Al-Muntathir opened the door for my first vp. I knew the Blood Brothers would want to rush back sooner or later so I let my prey live an extra round because I needed the actions to get an Ivory Bow and a Preternatural Strength on my Well-marked Eze. With this setup and the Blood Brother being down on 1-2 blood only backrushing made no sense anymore. I ousted my second prey and started to push the Girls will deck. I used Enkidu's Red List (he was down on 0 blood) to attack him, torporized and diablerized him. Cipo was low on pool so another well timed Banishment on Aksinya sealed his fate. Well would have sealed his fate, but at this time we timed out. 5 minutes more and I have a Game Win with 5 Vp's, but this way I got 1GW 2,5 VP's only.

2nd table: Myself - Cipo (GWFA) - Dávid (Lutz 'n friends) - Norbi (Malk with Lucian) - Máté (Renegade Garou)

Not the best seating, because of Aksinya. She can stop my deck entirely. Well as long as I don't draw my Banishment. So I focused on bloating and defending in the first place which was Necessary. Norbi started with a Mariel Lady Thunder + Lucian duo so he could defend against the Garou. I knew I won't have to be worried being rushed, but I have to worry about Norbi. This is was actually happened. Norbi made a very fast vp. Then he started to pressure me. He had already 4 vampires and a bunch of pool. Meanwhile cipo was becoming another real threat. No big surprise here: Dávid and I agreed on making a 1-1 vp deal and vote does decks to death. This is what happened. I have not the slightest idea how the heads-up between us would have ended since we both were kind of strong and had similar stats. We timed out 2 minutes after we made our vp's. 1,5 VP's here.

3rd table: Sándor (Gerald Windham) - Richard (Blood Brothers) - Myself - Dávid (Lutz) - Zoltán (Tremere toolbox)

This was like one of the weirdest tables I have ever played. First of all Sándor started with a Ponticulus + Talbot's Chainsaw combo just to see Zoltán stealing his Ponticulus with a Far Mastery. Despite this Sándor could keep himself in the game, well with some of my help. I gave him a rescue and some other help I can't remember. Meanwhile Dávid and Sándor pissed each other of quite hard for reasons nobody else understood. I mean they were cross table and still almost yelled at each other. I was like wow, I better stfu and lean back. So I did my stuff (equip, hunt, bloat, etc.) and I could do so since the Blood Brother had a hard time surviving against Sándor. 

Then out of nowhere Dávid and Sándor became friends again and agreed on Dávid ousting his other cross table buddy, namely Richard. I was like the hell is going on here??? Well Richard got ousted and we were down to 4 players. During all this weird stuff Dávid didn't really notice what I was preparing for. Meanwhile I had the Kduva's Mask, Enkil Cog, Narrow Minds, Heart of Cheating, etc. in play. I just bled him to death using Enkil cog in 1,5 turns. So we were 3 players left and Zoltán easily ousted Sándor. The heads-up was kind of short since I had a Pentex ready for Carna. He couldn't stop my multi action and a Banishment on his other "big guy" (an 6 cap on 1 blood) was the final punch. 1 GW 3 VP's.


So I reached the finals as top seat with 2GW 7VP's. I knew all the finalists decks and how they play so I ran through some scenarios in my head to come up with some plans, depending on how they choose the seats. This is how they sat down:

Sándor (Gerald Windham) - Botos Péter (Anarch Enkidu) - Dávid (Lutz and friends) - Gyula (Omaya + Khalu wall)

So my view of all this:

1. I can't sit between Sándor and Enkidu. I will have a rush/bleed predator and a rush + grapple prey. No way I can survive here.
2. I can't sit between Enkidu and Lutz. Grapple rush predator is bad. In this scenario Dávid and his cross table buddy Gerald Windham will have vote lock, so I can't play my votes.
3. I can't sit between Dávid and Gyula. Same vote lock problem and no way I can oust Gyula's deck which is packed with DI's, Delaying Tactics and bounces. 
4. That leaves only one spot: Sitting between Gyula and Sándor.

My Plan:

I knew Dávid plays with Zillah's valley and stuff and that Gyula plays very defensively in the early stages of the game. I also knew that Sándor prefers to go forward and that Botos' priority would be defense first. This means I counted on Dávid taking off pressure from me and trying to oust Gyula. I was ready to give him all my support when it comes to hurting Gyula.

In the first few rounds my plan worked out. I managed to pass a Magic of the Smith and get my Kduva's Mask. Also I could pass Founders of the Ebony Kingdom. I was very sure that later on I will have no problems ousting Sándor and that 1 VP would be enough to win the final since I am first seat and the game would (and did) progress very slowly. 

What I did not count on was Dávid entirely stopping to do anything against Gyula after being blocked and torporized once. Who follow my blog will know that I had this issue with him once. Besides this first attempt he didn't make any other actions against his prey during the entire final. I stop complaining here.

I still had the chance to win, but here came the other bad luck: Neither Enkil Cog nor a single Villein showed up during the entire final. Enkil Cog would have been helpful, but that was not the deal breaker. The lack of a single Villein was. Gyula, who had no pressure at all left on him, slowly grinded me. I had one window open when I played a Pentex on Sándor and easily could have ousted him if Gyula wouldn't be Mr. Eagle's Sight himself (I did and always will loath that card). Gyula ousted me and when he did so I had 3 vampires (11 - 10 - 8 caps) almost full with blood. 

When I played the Pentex I was down on 4 pool (before playing it). It was clear that Botos was about to make his VP so making it to the time out wouldn't be enough for me to win. I needed a VP myself. I had no Majesties left in my hand and 3 vampires. Gyula had 4 vampires, but 2 of them would killed me in combat. I could have tried to defend and play against Gyula, but with little time left that would have only won Botos Péter the final, therefore I made my call to try to make my VP and hope for Gyula lacking an Eagle's Sight. Unfortunately he had one.

Final Note:

All in all it was a good tournament with good games. I had fun and that's the most important thing. Too bad for me I am still unable to win a final when not playing a deck with strong combat options. After so many finals played with non-combat decks (surely 30+) during my v:tes career without ever winning one I really wonder what I am doing wrong. I hope some day it will work out for me and get rid of this curse.

Oh, and another thing: the more I play with this Eze deck the stronger Banishment gets in my eyes. Currently I even think it is better than Parity Shift. I well timed mid- endgame Banishment can easily open the way for a Game Win.

by: Mephistopheles

Friday, 13 January 2012

Having fun with Paintex Subversion...

Hi folks!

Yep I am that bored. I recently spent time thinking of rebuilding a Hardestadt deck. Since I experienced with my Eze deck that not even a 3 Sudden 1 Pentex package can keep your main guy safe I kind of lack the motivation to build another deck based on a 11 cap. Yep I know, I should stop crying...

by: Mephistopheles

...but way too much time was spent on 9gag this week...

Thursday, 12 January 2012

First tournament this year: Grand Ball Hatvan

Hi folks!

The v:tes season 2012 in Hungary will start with a small tournament in Hatvan. Currently all my v:tes cards are banned into some boxes and the only "ready to play" deck I have is my Eze deck. I kind of feel tempted to play it again because I am too lazy to build a new deck. On the other hand I really should build something new now. Well, we will see what happens. It will be really cool to play 3 rounds (or even 4?) of v:tes again!

by: Mephistopheles

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Poll Result: DotM on Hun Fragment

Hi folks!

First of all, I wish you all a very happy and successful new year, good health, good luck and everything else you wish for yourself!

I think the poll is very clear, so there will be a Deck of the Month on my blog. Can't wait to choose the first deck! Thank you all for voting!

by: Mephistopheles

Deck of the Month on HUN FRAGMENT is...