
Thursday, 29 April 2010

Thoughts on: Combat Decks (1st part)

Hi folks!

When I first started to play v:tes I tried many different decks. I never managed to achieve anything with combat decks, so I developed a negative attitude towards them. For a couple of years I played only bleed and/or vote decks, because it seemed easier to make game wins with them. It took me a long time to realize the power of combat. During this period I played plenty of finals, but never managed to win one (with the exception of one unofficial tournament) . The main reason was maybe our meta-game. For a long time wall decks dominated the Hungarian v:tes scene. I've once been at a tournament were 4 Tremere wall decks sat at one table. An average Hungarian final had 2-3 wall decks. Even worse, those wall decks were played by our best players.

At one point my friend Balazs Sebestyen told me that I should build new decks and try out new ways of playing v:tes. So I started building different combat decks, or toolbox decks that had combat options. I don't know if others share the same experience or not, but I figured that it is harder to reach the finals with a combat deck, but much easier to win them once you're there. It's an interesting statistic: from the ~30 finals I played with bleed/vote decks I could win only one. From the 4 finals where I played with a combat deck I won 3!!!

Looking back at all the games I played I have to draw the following conclusions:

1. The power of combat/rush lies in table control

While bleed decks have only a very limited option to play slow, defend or interfere cross table, rush decks are much more versatile. Vote decks do have this power, but in a different way. Banishment is an excellent card, but you don't always play a big cap voter. With a rush deck you have almost unlimited options to make deals, weaken players or reduce pressure from your predators side. It takes some experience and a good understanding of how a table's dynamic works, but this versatility makes a good rush deck very strong.

2. Don't build combat only decks!

From what I've learned so far I have to say that combat/rush itself isn't enough. You should always have a solid mechanic going on besides the combat part of your deck. A combat only deck, especially all those noob decks that use a bigcap and can only torporize 1 vampire a round will often find themselves stuck with these problems:

a) if I hit my prey my predator will oust me, if I hit my predator I wont make a Vp.
b) if I hit my predator he will get ousted and I will have an even stronger predator.
c) if I kill my preys first vampire, he will stand up leaving behind 20+ pool and I can only bleed for 1-2 each turn.
d) my predator and prey always keep rescuing each other. I use up my resources and can't find a way to win the table.
e) and so on...

To avoid this it is essential to have other options available besides combat! Here are some examples:

a) Nana Buruku + animalism weenie with Ashur tech + Deep Song.

This deck features many interesting things. You have enough vampires to launch multiple rushes in a turn. This is important because: it helps you to defend better and it allows you to "take care" of your prey, once he did his job (weakened his prey). With cards like Fame + Dragonbound and Deep Songs +1 bleed ability you have a very strong ousting power. If your prey refuses to transfer on more vampires you still can easily bleed for 6-7 in a turn. The Ashur tech will help you in 2 more ways: extra pool for more weenie vampires and regaining resources. I've once won a game by recycling more than 20 deep songs in the game!

b) Alastor decks

I still believe that an Assault Rifle + celerity combat is one of the strongest combat techs in the game. You will have a built in rush, maneuver and 4R damage on your vampire. This is incredible efficient! With this combat tech you will be able to save many card slots for cards like Second Tradition, Parity Shift and other goodies. This will make your deck very consistent. Such a deck can answer almost every situation and has a bunch of tactical options.

c) Potence + Dominate

This deck has two important options that make it much more attractive for me than a weenie potence deck. First of all you can bounce bleeds so you don't necessarily have to rush all of your predators vampires if he plays a bleed deck. Secondarily you have that extra ousting power with those Conditionings in your deck.

d) Good Ol' Bitch Fight with Howler

This deck is very good in defence. You can generate extra pool with Vessel + Rack and Enchant Kindred at superior. Howlers special makes her a very efficient. This isn't a classic combat deck, because it is more like a wall, but I like to build my Ahriman decks a little toolbox like. Those Speak with Spirits and Falcons Eyes will help you to keep vampires in torpor, where they belong. Let the Dragonbound and/or Smiling Jack do the job for you.

I could give many more examples of decks that mix combat with another strategy like the Nosferatu princes or Akunanse decks. I still can't emphasize it enough: don't combat only! Have something beside it!!!

3. Resource Managment

Good Resource Managment is the key to success. When building your deck ,take at look at your combat engine. Maybe you have a super combo that can torporize any vampire, but if it takes you 10 cards per combat than it's crap. You need to have the resources to win a table! Try to have as many built in abilities like +strength, maneuver, press, enter combat as possible. Also calculate with the fact that some players will actually hit back! Maybe you can burn a vampire, but if it takes you 3-4 blood for the cost of the cards you will find yourself in torpor soon. I've often seen decks that wasted more than half of their deck + almost all blood on their vampires for their first Vp. They couldn't make another one. It's a joke, but I like to compare combat engines to a Kiss of Ra + Crocodiles Tongue combo: 2 cards will send a vampire to torpor and burn 4 blood on it. It's more efficient than what most combat decks can do.

I am tired know, so this is it for today. I am not finished with the subject, yet. Please feel free to comment this article and share your thoughts. Any constructive criticism is appreciated.

by: Mephistopheles

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Tournament Report: Martin's Birthday Constructed

Hi folks!

Yesterday was my birthday constructed tournament in Budapest, Hungary. Seventeen players attended the tournament. Some weeks before this I've built a deck based on Hardestadt, who is actually one of my all time favourite vampires. I had a lot of fun playing with the deck so I decided to give him a chance at a tournament. It turned out to be a very good decision!

1st round: Imbued -> Me -> Giovanni bleed -> Ventrue bleed

The imbued recruited a Carlton before I could bring out Hardestadt. My prey's first master card played was a Pentex Subversion on Hardestadt. WTF? Stay calm! My grand prey removed the Pentex with a Daring the Dawn. Yes! The Giovanni deck was working hard on his Vp, so I rescued my grand prey and started to rush the Giovanni vampires. With 11 Immortals this was an easy task. After I ousted my prey I was trying to weaken the Imbued, which just didn't work out. By this time he had an Ivory Bow on the guy with a maneouver and a Talbot's Chainsaw on the other imbued. Unfortunately I ran out of combat cards. My prey and I both tried very hard to kill the Imbued, but we failed. 1 Vp for me GW 3Vp for the Imbued.

2nd round: Setite Chameleon -> Me -> Ventrue bleed -> Anson Ashur -> Ventrue! Grinder

That was a tough table! I didn't bring out a second vampire to support Hardestadt for a long time. There was one thing I knew for sure: I don't want to play against the Anson Ashur deck, so I have to let my prey make that one vp. Since my predator had an untapped Anarch Convert to block my rushes and I didn't see any freak drives I didn't want to rush back. If I kill a Convert he just brings out a another one (I knew he played with 4 Converts) and I loose blood on Hardestadt without having a benefit from it. So I tried to make a deal instead. I told my predator that I won't ever rush him if he doesn't steal my vampires. He agreed, so I put into play a Lodin Olaf Holte and another Prince (can't remember which one). Meanwhile my prey had a deal with the Anson deck: Anson didn't rush him if he won't bleed. Actually at this time it pretty much seemed like the Anson deck will make a sweep, since his prey had no ready vampire and only 4 pool and his next prey the Chameleon deck didn't play any combat defence. Fortunately the Ventrue bleed deck didn't kept the deal and ousted Anson and his next prey in one turn. I think this was the first time in my v:tes carrier that I was happy to see my prey making 2 Vp's. The Chameleon deck played a banishment backwards, which I supported so he could play a big voter cap. In my turn I rushed my prey's vampires. It didn't take me long to kill all his vampires and a Reins of Power helped me to oust him fast. The 1 versus 1 play against the Chameleon deck was pretty tough. He had a Heidelberg Castle and a Robert Carter so he could bleed me for a lot. Fortunately for me I had enough pool, so I managed to win this duel. 1GW 3 Vp's

3rd round: Me -> Assamite vote -> Chameleon -> Ishtarri

I hope I will forget this game very fast. I had too many beers before and I was getting tired. I played so bad that it was a shame. I made mistake after mistake so a big 0 here for me. 1Gw 4 Vp's for the Chameleon deck here.

After this round I realized that I have to do something: eat a lot of food and drink a lot of water. This refreshment helped me to regain some IQ points.

ZHE FINAL: Nadima Wall with Hatch the Vipers -> Dmitra Alastor -> Imbued -> Howler and Setites -> Me

(There were 3 players with 1GW 4Vp's: Nadima, Chameleon and Me, the Chameleon didn't made it to the finals because of the TP's)

This was one of the most boring finals I've ever played. I've got a Pentex on Hardestadt twice. Nothing special happened for more than 1,5 hours. Yawn. A Villein + Giant's Blood (not in the same turn) and a second Villein some turns later helped me to stay in the game with enough pool. I managed to kill a little Setite. Yeah! Non of my attempts to kill a vampire from my prey was successful. After a little more like 1,5 hours the weakest player was the Dmitra Alastor deck. Since he was first seat in the finals and the only player who was in danger of getting ousted he played a Temptation of Greater Power on Nadima. David, who played with Nadima, managed to defend her, but went down to 2 pool. He still could have made his Vp, but made a mistake, which involved blood management and a Form of Mist superior. He failed to oust his prey and ended his turn tapped out with 0 blood on all of his vampires. At this time he had 4 pool again. In my turn I bled him with Hardestadt and managed to put an Enkil Cog on him. Freak Drive! In his turn he had to hunt with all of his vampires. After he was done with hunting I used Enkil Cog to bleed again. Since he couldn't cycle cards he still didn't have a wake card. 1 Vp!!! Soon after this time out!!! Cool, I won a tournament with a multi-rush deck without a single point of damage done to my prey's vampires...

And here is my deck:

Deck Name: Hardestadt eats the world
Created By: Martin "Mephistopheles" Major
1. Kill titled vampires.
2. Kill everything else.
3. Try to oust with Ancient Influence for added fun.

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 22, Max: 44, Avg: 8,16)
4 Hardestadt cel pro DOM FOR POT PRE11 Ventrue
4 Lodin (Olaf Holte) aus pro DOM FOR PRE8 Ventrue
1 Graham Gottesman obf pre tha DOM FOR7 Ventrue
1 Victor Donaldson for pre DOM 6 Ventrue
1 Emily Carson for pre DOM 5 Ventrue
1 Portia for pre pro 4 Ventrue

Library: (90 cards)
Master (16 cards)
1 Pentex Subversion
2 Wash
4 Dreams of the Sphinx
4 Villein
1 Giant`s Blood
1 Golconda: Inner Peace
1 Monster
1 Wider View
1 Ventrue Headquarters

Action (14 cards)
2 Abactor
3 Ambush
6 Bum`s Rush
3 Harass

Action Modifier (9 cards)
1 Enkil Cog
8 Freak Drive

Political Action (4 cards)
1 Ancient Influence
1 Reins of Power
2 Parity Shift

Reaction (5 cards)
5 Deflection

Combat (42 cards)
11 Immortal Grapple
11 Claws of the Dead
4 Hidden Strength
4 Unflinching Persistence
2 Rolling with the Punches
2 Superior Mettle
8 Amaranth

by: Mephistopheles

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

On the road to: Burton upon Trent

Hi folks!

My friend Csaba and I have just booked our flight to join Hugh and his playgroup for the British ECQ in Burton upon Trent. I've been travelling around a lot, but I've never been to Great Britain before. I can't wait to drink a beer in a local pub with the guys!

God saves the Queen!

Monday, 19 April 2010

Poll Result: Will you accept a challenge?

Hi folks!

I didn't write here anything for a long time, sorry for that. The poll is closed and altogether 25 votes were cast. 16 people (64%) will accept a challenge while 9 (36%) people refused the idea. So far I received only 1 e-mail. If you forgot what the challenge is click here!

Have fun building the deck!!!

by: Mephistopheles

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Summon History: Mata Hari

Hi folks!

The next vampire on Summon History is Mata Hari. Mata Hari was the stage name Margaretha Geertruida "Grietje" Zelle. She was born in Leeuwarden (in the Netherlands) on August 7, 1876 as the eldest of for children. At the age of 18 she answered an advertisement in a Dutch newspaper placed by a Dutch Colonial Army officer called Rudolf John McLeod who was looking for a wife. Since he was a violent alcoholic their marriage was very unhappy. By this time they already had 2 children and lived in Java, in the Dutch East Indies. Margaretha escaped her circumstances by studying the Indonesian culture and she joined a local dance company where she started to use her artistic name Mata Hari. Mata Hari is Indonesian for "sun" (literally "eye of the day").

In 1903 she moved to Paris and by 1905 she became a well known exotic dancer. Mata Hari successfully built up an image of being a Java princess of Hindu birth and became more and more popular with her new, provocative dance style. Critics later on referred to this as orientalism. With her popularity she managed to become a successful courtesan and had relationships with high-ranked military officers, politicians and even the German crown prince.

When World War I broke out, the Netherlands stayed neutral, so as a Dutch citizen Margaretha Zelle could easily cross national borders. During her travels Margaretha was once interviewed by the British Intelligence. She admitted to work for the French military intelligence, although later she didn't confirm this story. In January 1917, the German military attaché in Madrid transmitted radio messages to Berlin describing the helpful activities of a German spy, code named H-21. Strangely the Germans used a code that they knew the French had already broken. The French military intelligence identified H-21 as Mata Hari.

On February 13, 1917 Mata Hari got arrested and put on trial. She was accused of spying for the Germans and found guilty. She was executed by a firing squad on October 15, 1917 at the age of 41.

Pat Shipman's biography Femme Fatale argues that Mata Hari never was a double agent, but was used as a scapegoat by the head of the French counter-espionage Georges Ladoux.

by: Mephistopheles

f.y.i.: this article is just a summary of Mata Hari's Wikipedia entry. So credits should go to Wikipedia.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Upcomming Events in April and May

April 24: Martin's Birthday Constructed, Budapest, Phoenix Club.

May 8: Storyline Tournament, Budapest, Phoenix Club.

May 29: ECQ Budapest, Phoenix Club.

If you (from outside Hungary) want to join any of the events and need a place to sleep feel free to contact me:

by: Mephistopheles

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Poll Result: What do you think of your playgroup?

Hi folks!

The fist poll on HUN FRAGMENT is closed. On this poll 83 votes where cast. The result:

  • It's way too small It's hard to get 5 players for a game. 21 (25%)
  • More players would be cool. 48 (57%)
  • It's just the perfect amount of players. 12 (14%)
  • Hell! There are too many players!!! 2 (2%)

The majority of the players (57%) would like to see more people playing the game. As expected some people find it hard to get 5 players together for a game, however 25% seems like a lot to me. Let's hope they will be able to expand their playgroup. Only 14% think that they just have the right amount of players. I think the 2 votes on "Hell! There are too many players!!!" can be taken as a joke. Should they be serious they could just move to the places where they need a fifth player. :)

Thank you all for participating in the poll!

by: Mephistopheles

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Summon History: Jacques de Molay

Hi folks!

As you may or may not know, some of the vampires we use to play with are not only fictional but are taken from our history. I think it is interesting to know, who these people were so I started to research on this topic. The first "vampire" whose "life" I want to introduce is Jacques de Molay aka Jacques Molay in v:tes.

He was born in Vitrey, Department of Haute Saone, France in 1244. In 1265 he joined the Knights Templar an organization sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church in 1128. Their main duty was to guard the road between Jerusalem and Acre. Later on the Order of Knights Templar participated in the Crusades fought for the Holy Land.

Jacques de Molay became the twenty-third and last Grand Master of the Knights Templar and lead the Order from April 20, 1292 until it was dissolved by Pope Clement V in 1312. Due to looting and robbery during the Crusades (the Crusades were before Jacques became the Grand Master), the Order of Knights Templar became one of the wealthiest organizations in Europe. They lend money to many Kings, like King Philip IV of France, who was deeply in debt to the Templars. Unfortunately to Jacques de Molay and his Order, this wealth caused their doom. In 1307 King Philip IV had them arrested and made them make false confessions, so he could put his hands on their properties. After Jacques de Molay retracted his confession King Philip IV had him burn at the stake on an island in the Seine river in Paris on March 1314.

Since this blog is still about v.tes and not about history, I don't want to write countless pages on one person. For those of you, who want to read more about him:

Jacques de Molay on Wikipedia
Templar History

Friday, 2 April 2010

Challenge: Elimelech the Twice-Damned

Hi folks!

Once a month I will post a challenge for you guys. The task is to build a deck around a given vampire, library card or strategy. The winner of the challenge will be given credit on this blog and may enjoy his "five minutes of fame" (phrase taken from extrala). To win the challenge you have to email your deck list to me:

Here are some points worth noticing:

1. In the first place, I will choose the winner from the TWDA.
2. If nobody wins a tournament, but reaches a final please report it to me.
3. If nobody reaches the finals I will choose the deck I personally like most.

I hope many of you guys will accept the challenge!

This month challenge:

Build a deck around Elimelech the Twice-Damned. At least 4 copies of him must be in the crypt and it has to be obvious that you actually make use of him.

Have fun!

by: Mephistopheles