
Saturday 19 November 2011

90 card limit: never thought it's going to be a problem.

Hi folks!

Since I arrived back home from the EC I constantly keep building new decks. Either in the deck builder or by actually putting those cards into their sleeves. So far I had never found the 90 card limit to be disturbing. Most decks end up around 78, but some decks end up being 80+ so I add some stuff to make it 90. The problem to end up 90+ and then trying to cut it down to 90 was an unknown problem to me so far. 

Since the Brujah clan became one of my favorite clans with the release of KoT I always kept thinking of building a deck around Jann Berger. So I visited Secret Library to throw in the basic stuff I wanted to play in the deck and clicked "update" to go through the list again and see what to add to make it 90. Imagine how shocked I was when I saw that I was already 110+!!! OMG!!! This really never happened to me before and I play v:tes for 7-8 years now. 

I discarded the idea to play with Jann Berger since I found no way to get all the basic stuff I want to play in the 90 card limit. Also, to drift away from the topic, I find it very disturbing that 10 cap vampires tend to have inferior Fortitude while their 9 cap counterparts tend to have superior Fortitude (Jann vs. Dmitra in this case). 

Back to the original idea: I've built a vote/bleed/equip multi-acting deck around Eze, the Demon Prince. A deck that you would expect to easily go above 120 cards when first made in a deck builder. I had no problem at all to build it with 90 cards right away. Stupid Jann Berger, arrrrghhhhhh.........

by: Mephistopheles

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