
Friday 24 June 2011

Deck Idea: Nahir Research and Bleed

Hi folks!

Here is another one of my deck ideas. It's plain and simple: build up an awesome hand and stealth-bleed for the victory. It's pretty similar to the Guillaume Giovanni powerbleed archetype. This deck has a solid defensive module against rush and bleed decks. Should your metagame have many vote decks you might want to add some Delaying Tactics and exchange the Guard Dogs for On the Qui Vives.

First Governs should always be at superior and you should start building up your hand size. An early Enkil Cog is of course always nice to have. Let the table influence! With such decks you don't need to hurry because people will wall up pool against you if you show too early forward pressure. With 3 vampires on the board and a hand size of ~10 you should have no problem with making vp's in the midgame.

So here is the decklist (note that it has 80 cards only, so there is still free room for stuff left):

Deck Name: Nahir Reasearch and Bleed
Created By: Mephistopheles

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 20, Max: 40, Avg: 7,83)
4 Nahir tha ANI DOM OBT POT10 Lasombra
2 Anton de Concepcion aus ANI DOM OBT POT9 Lasombra
2 Conrad Adoula ani cel DOM OBT POT8 Lasombra
2 Otieno ani dom OBT POT6 Lasombra
2 Paulo de Castille ani dom pot 4 Lasombra

Library: (80 cards)
Master (15 cards)
3 Dreams of the Sphinx
1 Monastery of Shadows
1 Elysian Fields
4 Villein
1 Giant`s Blood
1 Coven, The
2 Perfectionist
1 Pentex Subversion
1 Wider View

Action (10 cards)
10 Govern the Unaligned

Action Modifier (28 cards)
6 Conditioning
4 Bonding
3 Seduction
4 Shroud of Absence
4 Shadow Play
4 Shroud of Night
3 Enkil Cog

Reaction (22 cards)
6 Sense the Savage Way
4 Guard Dogs
6 Obedience
6 Deflection

Combat (5 cards)
5 Shadow Body

by: Mephistopheles


  1. This deck seems too pool-intensive. I would cut Monastery of Shadows (3 pool) and Elysian Fields (2 pool) in favor of Info Highway and Sudden Reversal. If you intend to block, Eyes of the Night could be really good. More Deflection would be good, you don't want to get hit early with big bleeds.

    Honestly, I don't think that your animalism tech is pulling it's weight. What about downsizing Conrad and Anton to smaller vampires? If you do that, you could cut some of the guard dogs and sense the savage way. Nahir's special is going to be costly anyway, so save some pool for it. One thing to notice about the massive hand size decks is that they don't need too many copies of bleed cards. Ideally, your hand is big enough that you can get set up with 1-2 bleed mods and that is enough to take down your prey. Unlike the giovanni version, you don't have card recursion. You could play both Nahir and Guillume since she is a 10-cap and he is a 9-cap. You can make a kind of hybrid deck that includes some locations and makes use of Nahir's special when needed.

  2. Try Blanket of Night, it's awesome. You will love it.

  3. Have you considered adding The Bitter and Sweet Story?
