
Sunday, 28 January 2018

Back to gaming and stuff regarding this blog.

Hi folks!

It's been a really long time since I last played v:tes. I mean years. This weekend though I attended a tournament in Budapest and it felt good to sit at the table again. As I had nothing else prepared I took my only deck I had available from years ago, but you will read about this later. I'll post a tournament report soon.

But how comes I am back to v:tes? Well I'll give you guys a real short summary. Back then I used to be a bit burned out with v:tes and so I jumped on the LCG train with Netrunner. It didn't last too long and when FFG first announced that they are rotating out the core set and and the firts couple of data packs I was done with that. The packs came too frequently you buy all those cards and they really say you can't use them anymore? Well I can still make a Jyhad only deck and just have a shot at winning a v.tes tournament. Feel the difference. 

Later on I got stuck with online gaming. It was more convenient. You don't have to leave the house, can just casually do some games even when tired. Some games are really addictive. Also people I loved playing v:tes with also left the game. The game felt dead. However despite my girlfriend trying to push me into selling my cards I always resisted. I lost a lot of money by not selling my 3 Enkil Cogs, all the Mind Rapes and so on, but I knew that someday I will want to play again. I really knew that. Oh and I hovered my mouse so many times over the delete this blog button. I never managed to press it. 

I missed being among people. I got tired of sitting alone in front of my pc while my social life vanished over time. I missed the community. I think it was around last years October-November when I decided that I will indeed play again. As I was attending a bootcamp studying C#, SQL and all the front-end goodies I had to postpone my return to after I finish. 

Well that's as much of text as I am willing to write around midnight. I will write a tournament report maybe as soon as tomorrow. My other goals are to remove all non-vtes related posts from this blog to have it nice and clean and a v:tes only blog again. I also want to give it a fresh design. 

Oh and we were 21 palyers at this tournament. Game doesn't seem dead after all...


  1. So you ended up selling your Netrunner cards instead? Anyway, always plan on the long run, and keep a deck at hand, just in case ;)

  2. No I didn't sell my Netrunner cards either.
