
Monday, 31 January 2011

Upcomming Event: Constructed at Cantina, Budapest

Hi folks!

The next tournament will be in Budapest on the 5th of February. I will give my best to attend it this time. Unfortunately I banned all my v:tes cards into a big box and I am way too lazy to build a new deck now. So if no wonder happens I'll take my only deck that is ready to play (Dmitra Alastor, a deck I will take with me to the grave). I made a promise once, that I will play a Mata Hari deck that was designed from various players on the newsgroup, well I have to delay that. Most of the cards listed in those decks I don't have in my collection yet, so I need time to collect them. However I have some new ideas, like an Abombwe Hardestdt deck, or a Basilia wall deck. I am curious who will win this fight: laziness or love for v:tes... 

by: Mephistopheles

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Tournament Report: Grand Ball 1, Hatvan

Hi folks!
I couldn't join this event, but here is the winning deck:
Grand Ball 1
Hatvan, Hungary
January 15th, 2011
12 players

Máté Vaka's Tournament Winning Deck

Deck Name: God-Empress Stanislava
Created and played by: Máté Vaka

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 22, Max: 44, Avg: 8,16)
4 Stanislava       ANI CEL DOM FOR PRO 11 Gangrel
2 Ingrid Rossler     ANI dom FOR PRO   9 Gangrel
2 Iliana       DOM FOR PRO tha   7 Gangrel
1 Caitlin       ANI aus dom PRO   6 Gangrel Antitribu
1 Judah       ani dom POT    6 Nosferatu
1 Thomas Thorne      ani aus cel DOM tha  6 Tremere
1 Alejandro Aguirre  ani aus dom tha   5 Tremere Antitribu

Library: (78 cards)
Master (18 cards)
3 Vessel
3 Wider View
3 Dreams of the Sphinx
1 Anarch Troublemaker
1 Pentex Subversion
1 Direct Intervention
1 Sudden Reversal
1 Ecoterrorists
1 Zoo Hunting Ground
2 Perfectionist
1 Dominate

Action (8 cards)
7 Govern the Unaligned
1 Dominate Kine

Action Modifier (22 cards)
2 Change of Target
1 Command of the Beast
1 Foreshadowing Destruction
4 Conditioning
4 Forced March
4 Freak Drive
6 Seduction

Political Action (3 cards)
1 Gangrel Justicar
1 Political Stranglehold
1 Reins of Power

Reaction (14 cards)
8 Deflection
3 Guard Dogs
3 Rat`s Warning

Combat (8 cards)
4 Form of Mist
4 Earth Meld

Equipment (1 cards)
1 Heart of Nizchetus

Combo (4 cards)
4 Rapid Change
GZ! Máté Vaka is a rising star on the nightsky of v:tes.
by: Mephistopheles
f.y.i.: the new blogspot is broken. It's hard to edit these posts...

Friday, 14 January 2011

Louhi deck played again

Hi folks!

Finally I played v:tes again with my stealth vote deck featuring both Louhi and Maris Streck. The predator lockdown worked well and could play without fearing any real pressure. I managed to make a game win with 3 vp's on a 4 player table, but just voting with big caps seems not sufficient enogh. I need to figure out  how to put a little more ousting power into the deck. Since pool is never a problem I am really considering to give the enchant bunny a try. Oh, and it is still not funny to play without combat...

by: Mephistopheles

"It's not funny to play the bunny,
cause all I'll do is to bleed my dummy
and though ousting is very funny,
I'd rather recruit a mummy!"

-unknown malkavian who wants to be a setite -

Friday, 7 January 2011

Soon to be back from torpor

Hi folks!

I'll have my last exam next Wednesday. Hopefully everything goes well and I will have time and energy left again to run this blog and play many games of v:tes.

Yesterday I already played two rounds with my new deck, a Louhi based obfuscate vote deck featuring Maris Streck, Satvros and Marie Faucigney. I achieved an awesome 0 vp's. Oh guys! I missed the ability to rush and torporize so much! 

by: Mephistopheles