
Saturday, 27 April 2013

I've been playing some v:tes this year :)

Hi folks!

So I played 3 tournaments so far this year. The first 2 I played wit my Eze deck. Both worked out quite ok with 1 game win each tournament and reaching the finals with that. Unfortunately I couldn't win any of those. Today was the third tournament. I got tired of Eze and borrowed a deck from Péter Korsós, a Mistress Fanchon and friends deck. In the first round Enkidu shred me to pieces in like 5 minutes. However, I mnaged to win the 2nd and 3rd round and made it to the finals with 2 GW 6 VP's. I made my VP in the final but lost to Gyula Erdős, who won it. Well it was great day though. 

I liked the deck a lot and will build my own version to test. I need a deck for Sweden anyway. I don't know how much time I will have, but I want to play v:tes on a regular base again. This might bring back this blog to old glory again :)
