Hi folks!
This has been a great weekend. We played a total of 9 games. There was 1 big time out with everybody scoring 0,5 VP's. It was the last game we played Saturday night when everybody was totally tired already. Otherwise all other games ended with one player scoring a Game Win.
It was my most successful weekend so far with altogether 4 Game Wins in the end. I tested a 60 card version of a Nosferoyalty deck, a 60 cared version of a Kyasid bleed deck, a 60 card version of Broken Brujah and I played a round with Frankies new big cap Nosi deck.
The Nosferoyalty
The idea is to get out Warsaw Station soon and do both Embrace and Progeny. The deck features 3 copies of Wider View and 2 copies of Kindred Intelligence to optimize my crypt. Two copies of Reinforcement together with the really amazing Warsaw - Labyrith - Sargon Fragment triangle help to control what cards I will draw. Papillon is pure gold. However the deck has the same problem as any other Nosferoyalty deck, namely that if you don't have an early vote lock you will have a really hard time. I made a 1GW 5 VP sweep on the first table when I could start with 2 transfers + Dimple + Nosferatu Justicar. I played another game when my predator had the vote lock. I ended with 0 VP's here. The deck is fun to play and can be really strong. However I will not play it during the EC as I expect too many votes there.
The Kyasid
I decided not to tell anything about this deck as it will be my choice for Day 1. It has some ideas in it I wanted to try which worked very well. I played 3 rounds, made 2 Game Wins and the third one was the only time out I mentioned. I will play this deck on a tournament this weekend.
The Broken Brujah 60 cards version
Well I wanted to try a Zillah's based version, where you get out Dmitra and Carlak ASAP so you have 2 Alastors with Assault Rifles right away. I played 5 Zillahs and 1 Info Highway in 60 cards. Never saw one in the first 10 cards. It was just another argument against acceleration cards. I always hated them and found the totally useless as I never draw them when needed. The 60 card version doesn't have enough Second Traditions. This version is a fail. The original version without crypt acceleration (but actually usefull master cards) and more Second Trads is a million time better.
Frankies Deck
Since it's his deck I don't want to give away any information. It is a great, fun to play and brought me my 4th Game Win.
About Sweden
So since I am already qualified (finished 7th place at the First Chance Qualifier) I can play any deck I want on Friday. I will choose the deck I have the most fun playing with. I have my Day 1 deck ready to go. I still need to think of something to play on Day 2 should I qualify for the top 40. I hope to be able to buy my ticket to Sweden this week.
So this Saturday I will play a tournament. I will write a brief report. Should I win it you will see the decklist on Lasombras page. In case I don't I won't post the decklist until after the EC.
by: Mephistopheles